Mentor Hub
The future workforce already demands recognition from their employer beyond financial incentive; for them to be happy and remain loyal they ask to:
• Feel part of the workplace community;
• Grow personally under your tenure;
• Take time to consider their career progression; and expand their skills.
The Berry mentor programme helps you deliver all of these things on behalf of your business or organisation.
What is important is fostering a strong sense of Connection within work communities and empowering individuals' career development.
Mentoring programmes are a key part to career development. They open your horizons to new opportunities and observations because of the unique insights and perspectives each pairing accommodates.
One of the key triggers for burnout is when a professional giving out advice has no opportunity to offload themselves. Just speaking to someone often outside work who is impartial and objective really helps the feeling someone is listening. Through mentoring you can help your team or the network offload which can really help them feel in better control.
This is about subjective learning; this is about honing your incredibly important soft skills, these are what will stand you apart from others in any future candidacy.
The Berry team are employment lawyers with extensive experience of working with other leaders, across a range of jurisdictional workplace issues- there isn’t much we haven’t already come across!
We have been mentors and run programmes; we will provide the necessary governance and management services in the background to ensure the running of the programme smartly and succinctly but that is meaningful and has a legacy attached.
We keep the conversation alive through your own unique members area; we probe with suggestions for your conversations, we give lots of pieces of leadership advice. You can even access your own mentoring as part of the programme with Berry advisors.
- A mentoring landing page affiliated to your brand or network; profiling the growth and further engagement plans of your team or your network and the community connectivity and spirit;
- Giving leaders in a network a chance to develop by accessing their own mentoring from trusted employment lawyers;
- The Berry team will ask you to register on the Berry website. You fill out the Registration form and submit.
- Once your Registration is submitted, the Berry team and your organisation lead will pair Mentors with Mentees' and you will receive an email with a link to the Mentoring Portal.
- This allows you access to the Mentoring Portal. Here your network convener and the Berry team will be posting and pinning useful resources for your journey on the programme and to keep your network community joined together.
- You meet at least once per month for the duration of your mentoring experience virtually or in person if you want to organise that;
- The mentor can reach back to the Berry team for assistance with coaching topics or issues to solve at any time; just reach out on the Community Contact area
- The mentee can also provide feedback or comments if they need to through the Community Contact area;
- Mentors are invited to attend some virtual training sessions to set them up for success so they are best placed to nurture;
- We can pull network programme insights into a final session at the end of your programme for reflections and inspiring future pathways
You don’t become a Mentor or Leadership Coach because you have a toolbox of cute skills and rapid deployments to teach; that’s what project managers are for! You have a STORY, you got to where you are through your own pathway and as a generous leader you are willing to share those learnings.
The more exposure we have to alternative pathways and decision making the more vibrancy and unique opinions form and the beautiful conversation of diverse workplace culture truly shines through. Leaders have to work hard to be considered great and your skills are continually developed when put to the test getting an immediate raw reaction from a Mentee who has never been part of your team. Mentoring gives the opportunities for genuinely accepting collaboration across departments/ levelling and SME areas. Everyone learns and develops here.
Mentees will learn to understand others' perspectives, appreciate context and grow their networks.
Prepare to embrace a new relationship with an experienced professional who will be matched from something unique about your profile. Bring your honesty and enthusiasm to the calls and do your homework if your mentor sets you anything in between your sessions; the more you put in the more you get out.
Be prepared that your Mentor isn’t going to solve your problems; they are not trained psychotherapists that can transition you from your current state of mind to a rebalanced mode of thinking. They have probably however stood in your shoes at your point in career and can explain what they would do in a situation.
Mentors will not absorb and they will not carry the weight of your problems; they will perhaps resonate or understand why something has caused you anguish but they will hold up a mirror and let you see how you are portraying a situation often bringing a diverse lens to the situation.